From 31st May’23 GrameenPhone is going to launch new SMS packs for the valued subscribers. Based on customers’ need, they can opt from 3Day/7Day/Monthly validity packs. These packs are available in USSD, MyGP app, Bkash, Nagad etc. Besides these packs, customer can also create sms packs from Flexiplan channel as per their own desire.
3 Day’s Validity Pack
50 SMS 13TK
100 SMS 23 TK
200 SMS 42 TK
7 Day’s Validity Pack
50 SMS 16TK
100 SMS 27 TK
200 SMS 47 TK
Monthly SMS Pack
100 SMS 32TK
200 SMS 57 TK
300 SMS 77 TK
499 SMS 96 TK
These packs are applicable for both Prepaid and Postpaid users. Customers can also purchase 57TK, 77TK & 96Tk monthly packs from any GrameenPhone centres.