1000FiX Services

About voice & internet service section

Experience the best voice & internet service with a GP SIM today!

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown


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GPAY is a mobile wallet that GP customers can use to pay their utility bills (Electricity, Gas, and Water), internet bills, and cable bills. Moreover, GP customers can also pay for their train tickets and recharge their talktime using GPAY. In order to use GPAY, customers can download the GPAY mobile app from the App Store or Google Play, and register through the app. Customers can also just dial *777# from any mobile handset to register. Once registration is complete, customers can pay for any of the services mentioned above.

To refill their GPAY wallets, customers can use their bank accounts (Rocket, AB Bank, Islami bank) or visit any MobiCash outlet.  Don’t miss out on life, waiting in queues. Use GPAY for quick, hassle-free payments, anytime, anywhere.

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Grameenphone VoLTE Header Section

Grameenphone VoLTE

Grameenphone VoLTE brings you the next generation of voice communication through advanced technology. This new technology enables its consumers to make voice calls through 4G network instead of switching to 2G or 3G network. The benefits of VoLTE include crystal clear voice quality which is better than 2G and 3G networks, the ability to connect calls much faster and greatly improved device battery life.

Benefits of GP VoLTE Service

Ultra HD Voice Call

Better Battery Performance

Fastest Call Connection

Simultaneous Voice & Internet

What kind of solution are you looking for? Select all that apply

HOME 4g card section

Experience life at 4G speed!

  • Buffer-free Streaminggggg
  • Smooth Gaming
  • Super fast download/ upload
  • HD video calling

Learn More 

HOME notice section

গ্রামীণফোনের সম্মানিত গ্রাহকগণকে জানানো যাচ্ছে যে, কারিগরি উন্নয়ন কাজের জন্য ১৮ ফেব্রুয়ারি রাত ২টা থেকে ভোর ৬টা পর্যন্ত, কোন কোন গ্রাহক ভয়েস কল, এসএমএস ও ইন্টারনেট সহ কিছু সেবা পেতে সাময়িক সমস্যার সম্মুখীন হয়ে থাকতে পারেন। এ সময়ের পরেও উক্ত সার্ভিস গুলি পেতে সমস্যা হলে অনুগ্রহ করে ফোনটি অফ করে অন করুন ।

সাময়িক এই অসুবিধার জন্য আমরা আন্তরিকভাবে দুঃখিত।

How GPAY Works

How GPAY Works

GPAY is a mobile wallet that GP customers can use to pay their utility bills (Electricity, Gas, and Water), internet bills, and cable bills. Moreover, GP customers can also pay for their train tickets and recharge their talktime using GPAY. In order to use GPAY, customers can download the GPAY mobile app from the App Store or Google Play, and register through the app. Customers can also just dial *777# from any mobile handset to register. Once registration is complete, customers can pay for any of the services mentioned above.To refill their GPAY wallets, customers can use their bank accounts (Rocket, AB Bank, Islami bank) or visit any MobiCash outlet.  Don’t miss out on life, waiting in queues. Use GPAY for quick, hassle-free payments, anytime, anywhere.

GPAY Easy Registration

Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 4Step 5  

Internet pack accordions


Make your own plan and enjoy great savings! Only for GP Customers




  • Internet packs can be activated through USSD, SMS, IVR, MyGP, Easynet, WoW Box, Customer Service, GP website and any other Grameenphone Authorized Channels
  • Auto-renew option of any internet pack is turned OFF by default (except BS prepaid and post- paid customers). However customer can turn ON Auto Renewal feature after or during package activation.
  • To turn ON auto renew option after package activation, SMS "ON" to 25000 or dial *121*3042#. Also customer can turn off Auto renew by sending SMS "OFF" to 25000 or dial*121*3043#.
  • To check internet balance, please dial *121*1*4#.
  • After expiration (Volume or Validity) of every internet pack maximum PayGo charge will be 6.6625 Taka (inclusive VAT, SD & SC)
  • Unused Data Volume will be carried forward if the customer purchases the same pack within the active validity period or in case of successful auto renewal.
  • Auto renewal of internet packages will occur based on volume or validity whichever expires first (customers with Auto renew consent only)
  • To Cancel your Internet Package, dial *121*3041#.
  • Using Multiple applications at the same time when volume is low, it may result in extra usage fee, so please close applications before moving on to others
  • To enjoy higher internet speed customers need to use a 4G enabled phone & be within 4G network
  • Average likely speed will depend on multiple factors such as handset, website visited, distance from BTS, time of the day, etc.
  • The Internet Volume Purchased from a Campaign Pack, will be used before the Internet Volume Purchased from a Regular Internet Pack.
  • Internet Packs are not applicable for skitto users
  • To check internet speed customer can visit  http://www.speedtest.net  (Data Charge Applicable)
  • Download  Terms and Conditions  in PDF format
  • During Internet pack or offer purchase, for 'Payment through bKash or cards', purchase limit for prepaid customer is between 20 taka - 1000 taka and for postpaid customer 20 taka - 50000 taka.
  • During pack purchase, for 'Payment through bKash or cards' any prior subscription free or emergency balance usage will be deducted from the amount recharged for pack or offer purchase. In that case internet pack or Offer that you have selected may not be activated.

Social Pack:

  • If Social Internet Volume finishes before expiry date and there is no remaining regular internet volume in any other internet account expiration (Volume or Validity) of every internet pack  maximum PayGo rate will be 6.6625 Tk( inclusive VAT, SD & SC).
  • While availing Social internet packs, if there is no remaining regular internet volume in any other internet account expiration (Volume or Validity) of every internet pack maximum PayGo rate will be 6.6625 Tk (inclusive VAT, SD &SC) or Dial*121*3# to buy a data pack for any other internet usage (except Facebook & twitter browsing).
  • Voice and video call from FB messenger is not part of this package. Internet charge Tk 1.3325/MB (Inclusive of SD+VAT+SC) up to 6.6625 tk is applicable for FB messenger voice and video call if there is no remaining regular internet volume in any other internet account.
  • Customer will not be able to browse mentioned sites through proxy based browsers. Customers can only use default web browser and apps
  • During Internet pack or offer purchase, for 'Payment through bKash or cards', purchase limit for prepaid customer is between 20 taka - 1000 taka and for postpaid customer 20 taka - 50000 taka.
  • During pack purchase, for 'Payment through bKash or cards' any prior subscription free or emergency balance usage will be deducted from the amount recharged for pack or offer purchase. In that case internet pack or Offer that you have selected may not be activated.
  • Social Pack volume is eligible for use in Facebook and Twitter 

4G Pack:

  • In order to use 4G only data packs, 4G SIM, 4G Handset/ Device is needed and the customer must be within 4G coverage area.
  • To check whether your SIM is 4G or not, dial *121*3232#
  • If 4G Internet Volume finishes before expiry date and there is no remaining regular internet volume in any other internet account expiration (Volume or Validity) of every internet pack, maximum PayGo charge will be 6.6625 Tk (inclusive VAT, SD & SC).

STAR Pack:

  • Customer can buy STAR internet packs & get STAR status for 3 months
  • Status will be updated on 11th of the following month. (i.e. If customer buys pack on 25th Oct or 4th Nov, status will be given on 11th Nov). 
  • If customer already with higher STAR status buys a pack with lower status, higher STAR status will prevail
  • This offer is not applicable for GPPP, BPO, ERS & Skitto connection



Partner's NameOffer
Balance Check*566#
Help Line121
Internet Bonus*121*1*4#
FNFFor add, delete & view fnf dial *121*1#


Know More About VoLTE

VoLTE (Voice over LTE) is a technology that enables voice calling over 4G. Also, users can experience HD quality crystal clear voice with faster call setup time. Without VoLTE, your phone must drop back to 2G and 3G during voice calls. VoLTE allows users to stay on the 4G network during voice calls and can continue to have un-interrupted high-speed 4G internet experience. VoLTE calls will be charged in exactly the same manner as 2G and 3G voice calls. There are no additional data charges.

HD Voice Calls: Crystal clear conversations as if you are right next to each other. Faster Call Connect: Call setup time is way faster than normal calls. Efficient Multi-tasking: You can now make calls without disrupting your 4G internet sessions Improved Battery Life: You will experience less battery drain during call and internet sessions. To enjoy our VoLTE services, both caller and receiver should ensure the pre-requisites.

To enjoy our VoLTE services, both caller and receiver should ensure following:

  • USIM/4G SIM. This should be inserted in the SIM slot with data capability and “network mode” as 4G/3G/2G (Auto)
  • VoLTE enabled Handset and enable VoLTE option in the phone
  • To be in GP 4G coverage.
  • Need to have the upgraded OS Software provided by your handset manufacturer

Know More About VoWiFi

VoLTE (Voice over LTE) is a technology that enables voice calling over 4G. Also, users can experience HD quality crystal clear voice with faster call setup time. Without VoLTE, your phone must drop back to 2G and 3G during voice calls. VoLTE allows users to stay on the 4G network during voice calls and can continue to have un-interrupted high-speed 4G internet experience. VoLTE calls will be charged in exactly the same manner as 2G and 3G voice calls. There are no additional data charges.

HD Voice Calls: Crystal clear conversations as if you are right next to each other. Faster Call Connect: Call setup time is way faster than normal calls. Efficient Multi-tasking: You can now make calls without disrupting your 4G internet sessions Improved Battery Life: You will experience less battery drain during call and internet sessions. To enjoy our VoLTE services, both caller and receiver should ensure the pre-requisites.

To enjoy our VoLTE services, both caller and receiver should ensure following:

  • USIM/4G SIM. This should be inserted in the SIM slot with data capability and “network mode” as 4G/3G/2G (Auto)
  • VoLTE enabled Handset and enable VoLTE option in the phone
  • To be in GP 4G coverage.
  • Need to have the upgraded OS Software provided by your handset manufacturer

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MyGP Services




MyGP Services page options

All new dashboard with everything you need

The all new dashboard lets you check your balance, remaining data, talk-time, and SMS all in a snapshot.

preview data-src="https://cdn01.grameenphone.com/sites/default/files/img_mygp_1.png"


Explore the all-new section in MyGP where you can watch sports, movies, drama, play games, stay updated on weather, news and much more.

preview data-src="https://cdn01.grameenphone.com/sites/default/files/img_mygp_2.png"

Create Your Own Plan With Flexiplan

Now create all your favorite bundles using Flexiplan and enjoy 10% data bonus exclusively on MyGP.

preview data-src="https://cdn01.grameenphone.com/sites/default/files/img_mygp_3.png"

Discover Offers Tailored Just For You

Find offers and packs made just for you. Moreover, you’ll also get exclusive 10% internet bonus and earn GP Points while buying your favorite packs from MyGP.

preview data-src="https://cdn01.grameenphone.com/sites/default/files/img_mygp_7.png"

Get FREE Internet & SMS With Reward Points

Earn reward points with purchases from MyGP and use them to get exclusive FREE internet and SMS packs.

preview data-src="https://cdn01.grameenphone.com/sites/default/files/img_mygp_5.png"

Easily Manage Your GP Accounts And Services

Get full control over your package plans, history, and account balance. Easily manage services like FnF, Welcome Tune, and Missed Call Alert. You can also link up to 3 mobile numbers & maximum 15 IoT devices to get full control over your account balance, package, plans and other necessities.

preview data-src="https://cdn01.grameenphone.com/sites/default/files/img_mygp_6.png"

Our Commitment

For Grameenphone, our commitment is to do business in a responsible way that helps both create value for its people, shareholders and society as well as empower and sustain the world for generations to come

Our Partners

Our four Value Drivers

Be the leading customer centric technology provider to unleash the potential of Bangladesh and continue growing shareholder value

STAR Privileges

STAR Privileges

  • Priority Customer Support

    Your complaints handled on a priority basis

  • Free Sim Replacement

    SIM replacement is completely free for Platinum Plus and Platinum!

  • Priority Service at GP Experience Centers

    GP Experience Gulshan, GEC & Bashundhara


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

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Introducing a seamless way to activate eSIMs with our additional eSIM QR code.service. Now, customers can enjoy the convenience of online activation through a simple process. This cutting-edge feature is accessible to users across the nation, ensuring a seamless experience for all.

Additional eSIM 3 QR Code

Purchase From

Online Order
199 TK

GP Touch point/ Service Center
199 TK

Mandatory Requirements for eSIM migration:

  • Currently available for all over the country.
  • Skitto eSIM migration can not be taken from GP Shop.
  • Internet connectivity is mandatory for scanning the QR code.
  • No documents will be required. But these information like MSISDN, NID number and Date of Birth will be required for verification.
  • FREE for Platinum & Platinum Plus Star Customers Only.
  • Currently available for all over the country.
  • Skitto eSIM migration can not be taken from GP Shop.
  • Internet connectivity is mandatory for scanning the QR code.
  • No documents will be required. But these information like MSISDN, NID number and Date of Birth will be required for verification.
  • FREE for Platinum & Platinum Plus Star Customers Only.

mygp app page features block

mygp app page options

All new dashboard with everything you need

The all new dashboard lets you check your balance, remaining data, talk-time, and SMS all in a snapshot.



Explore the all-new section in MyGP where you can watch sports, movies, drama, play games, stay updated on weather, news and much more.


Create Your Own Plan With Flexiplan

Now create all your favorite bundles using Flexiplan and enjoy 10% data bonus exclusively on MyGP.


Discover Offers Tailored Just For You

Find offers and packs made just for you. Moreover, you’ll also get exclusive 10% internet bonus and earn GP Points while buying your favorite packs from MyGP.


Get FREE Internet & SMS With Reward Points

Earn reward points with purchases from MyGP and use them to get exclusive FREE internet and SMS packs.


Easily Manage Your GP Accounts And Services

Get full control over your package plans, history, and account balance. Easily manage services like FnF, Welcome Tune, and Missed Call Alert. You can also link up to 3 mobile numbers & maximum 15 IoT devices to get full control over your account balance, package, plans and other necessities.


About: 1000FiX Services Ltd. is one of the leading After Sales Service providers for IT device, Mobile and Home Appliance in Bangladesh. Our professionals and skilled workforce ensure several types of quality service for the tech savvy users.

We are the authorized Service Delivery Partner of more than 40 brands including HP, DELL, Samsung, Xiaomi, Epson, Lenovo, Acer, Gigabyte, Huawei, Motorola, ZTE, Logitech, RICOH, BenQ, TwinMOS, XTREAM, Power PAC etc. to provide in-warranty and out of warranty service. We offer genuine spare parts to our valuable customers. Attached our company profile.

We have 50 Service Centres across the country with the blend of both exclusive and non-exclusive model. Customers can get superior quality service from these centres. Service centre location details: https://1000fix.com/service-center/

OFFER: Enjoy Up to 50% discount on all Services for GPStar from all 100FiX Services outlets.

  • GP Platinum and Platinum Plus STAR will get 50%
  • GP Gold and Silver STAR will get 40%

To avail the Outlet, offer: Write; FIXS<>Bill Amount & send to 29000.

 To enjoy the offer customer should visit below 1000FiX Service Centers.

1000FiX Services Ltd. Customer Service Center (IT Product Services)
Mirpur Customer Service Center586/1(4th Floor), Begum Rokeya Sarani, Shewrapara, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216,16743 / 09604-300600
Motijheel Customer Service CenterRahmania International Complex(2nd Floor), 28/1/C Toynbee Circular Road (Box Culvert Road – Near Dainik Bangla Mor),Motijheel, Dhaka – 10001313002611
Elephant Road Customer Service Center92, SunRise Bhaban,( 1st Floor), New Elehpant Road, Dhaka -12051755606296
Uttara Customer Service Center1000FiX Services Ltd.34, H.M Plaza, Suit # 23, 24, 25 (2nd Floor) Road # 2, Sector # 3, Uttara Model Town, Dhaka-1230.1904095974
Shantinagar Customer Service CenterEastern Plus,House No: 45-46, Level: 4, 145 Shantinagar, Dhaka1730354827
1000FiX IDB Customer Service Center586/1, Begum Rokeya Sarani,Level 5, Shewrapara, Mirpur Dhaka-12161709642401
1000Fix Service Center -Rangpur123, Shah Bhaban, 2nd Floor, Station Road, Grand Hotel Circle, Kotuwali, Rangpur - 54001904095974
Gazipur Customer Service CenterGAZIPUR BRANCH TAJ TOWER, SHIBBARI MORE, (3nd Floor), JOYDEBPUR, GAZIPUR.1709642426
Naraynganj Customer Service CenterSHOP NO:127-128, SHAMOBAY NEW MARKET, (2ND FLOR) CHASARA, NARAYANGANJ.1709642401
Feni Customer Service CenterAl Modina Mansion (1st Floor), Next to Al-Kemi Hospital, SSK Road, Feni-390001730317754
Barishal Customer Service Center1000FiX Services Ltd. (Barishal) 121, Alif Tower, 3rd Floor, Bibir Pukur Par, Sadar road, Barisal 820001730354877
Chittagong Customer Service Center191, Commerce View Complex, 2nd Floor, CDA Avenue, East Nasirabad, Chittagong.01730317754
Chittagong Customer Service Center-2RF ZOHORA TOWER (4th Floor), Chowmohoni, Agrabad, Chattogram.01730317754
1000FiX Service Center-Comilla(1st Floor), Rokeya Tower, Race Course, Comilla.1730354881
1000FiX Service Center - BoguraDelowara Sheikh Sharif Uddin Market, Shop:76-80, 84-117(3rd Floor), Nawab Bari Road, Bogura-58001730354890
1000FiX Service Center-KhulnaUnited Tower (3rd Floor), 4, KDA Avenue Road, Khulna1730701979
1000FiX Service Center - Jashore1241-00, Mahi Plaza, 2nd Floor, Sohid Sarak, Mike Potti, Jessore-74001777734235
1000FiX Customer Service Center-Rajshahi99, (1st Floor) Alokar morh, Rajshahi.1730701968
1000FiX Customer Service Center -SylhetRB Complex, 2nd floor, Funny World-Indoor Park Building, East Zindabazar, Sylhet-31001730701935
Huawei Service Center
Huawei Service Center (Mirpur)Promise Tower (Opposite of Fire Service), 3rd Floor, Section-06, Plot-23, Main Road-01, Mirpur-021708488761
Huawei Collection Point (Mirpur)Promise Tower (Opposite of Fire Service), 3rd Floor, Section-06, Plot-23, Main Road-01, Mirpur-0201708488725
Huawei Service Center (Uttara, Dhaka)Shop-25, Polwel Carnation Shopping Center, Level 07 Abdullapur, Uttara, Dhaka1313002603
Huawei Service Center (Motijheel, Dhaka )56/1, Baitul View Tower, 5th Floor, Shop No-602, 603, 604 Old Paltan, (Opposite of Baitul Mokaram Mosque North Gate), Dhaka-100001313002601
Huawei Service Center (Bashundhara City)Shop:19-22,Block-B,Level-3,Bashundhara City Shopping Complex,Panthapath,Dhaka-120501313002600
Huawei Service Center(Khulna)Shop-25, Polwel United Tower (3rd Floor), 4, KDA Avenue Road, Khulna1313002607
Huawei Service Center (Rajshahi)99, (1st Floor) Alokar morh, Rajshahi.01708488729
Huawei Service Center (Bogura)Delowara Sheikh Sharif Uddin Market, Shop:76-80, 84-117(3rd Floor), Nawab Bari Road, Bogura-5800.01313002605
Huawei Service Center(Rangpur)House No.:123,Shah Bhaban,2nd Floor,Station Road,Grand Hotel Circle,Kotuwali,Rangpur - 54001704117235
Huawei Service Center(Sylhet)RB Complex,2nd floor,Union Bank Building,Beside Woondal Restaurant and Hotel Golden City,East Zindabazar,Sylhet 3100.1313002606
Huawei Barisal (Service Center)121,Sadar Road,3rd Floor,Bir Srestha Captain Mohiuddin Jahangir Road,Barisal1708488727
Huawei Chittagong (Service Center)3rd Floor, Faruk Chamber 1403 Sk. Mujib Road, Chowmuhoni, Chittagong.01708488723
Xiaomi Service Center
Xiaomi Chittagong Center191, Commerce View Complex, 2nd Floor, CDA Avenue, East Nasirabad, Chattogram01708464132
Xiaomi CEPZ CenterSmart Café, Saleh Complex, CEPZ Gate, (Beside sundorban courier service, Chattagram), Chittagong1704117242
Xiaomi Feni CenterOne Telecom, Beside of Mohipal Plaza, Mohipal, Feni-390001730317718
Xiaomi Mirpur CenterPlot 24, 2nd Floor, Road No: 1, Section: 6/KA, Opposite of Fire Service, Mirpur 2, Dhaka1708464135
Xiaomi Narayanganj CenterShop No: 507, Fazar Ali Trader Center (4th Floor), 78 Bangabandhu Road, 2 No Rail Gate, Narayanganj1313002633
Xiaomi Gazipur CenterShop No: 28-30, 1st Floor, Bhawal Point Shopping Complex, Gazipur Chowrasta, Gazipur1313002632
Xiaomi Savar CenterMK Tower, Level: 6, 42, Shaibagh, Shimul Toli, Savar, Dhaka01313002624
Xiaomi Jashore Center17/18, RN Road (2nd Floor) Opposite of Homio College, Jashore-74061313002634
Xiaomi Gazipur CenterShop No: 28-30, 1st Floor, Bhawal Point Shopping Complex, Gazipur Chowrasta, Gazipur01313002632
Xiaomi Kushtia CenterLal Mohammad Plaza, 3rd Floor, Shop No: 18-19, N.S Road, Kushtia - 70001313002625
Xiaomi Bogura CenterAl-Amin Complex (2nd Floor), Nowab Bari Road, Bogura1730399127
Xiaomi Sirajganj CenterHolding No: 843, Panasonic Building, 1st Floor, SS Road, Sirajganj01313002640
Xiaomi Loghara CenterA Rahman Market, Under Pubali Bank, Amirabad, Lohagara, Chattagram1777734145
Xiaomi Dinajpur CenterGulshan Trade Center, Shop No: 2, Level: 2, Station Road, Dinajpur1313002623
Samsung Service Center
Samsung Service Center in Dhaka78/7 A.L Complex 1st Floor, New Airport road (Opposite of Shetu Bhaban), Banani, Dhaka.1799986916
Samsung Service Center - Chittagong191, commerce view complex 2nd Floor CDA Avenue, East Nasirabad, Chittagong01730354853
Samsung Service Center in NoakhaliMorshed Alam Complex, Ground Floor, Shop no 62/63, Rail road Chowmuhuni, Noakhali.1799986912
Samsung Service Center in Rajshahi99 Awal Plaza 1st Floor, Alokar More, Rajshahi01730701941

Offer Valid till: 31th August 2024

Hotline/Care line: 16743 or 09604300600


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/1000fixservices

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